Enjoy The Ride...

Something in me was whispering to jump into this business, and because of my fears I was just letting the opportunity, my skill set, experience and data sit in the corner gathering regrets and dust.

Funny how fears are meant to keep us safe, and yet, to do something out of your comfort zone, you must do it despite the fears.  You must view your nervousness as excitement rather than fear.  After all, these two emotions certainly manifest similarly in the body.

My formula for success is very straightforward, but difficult to execute.  It requires small actionable steps paired with a tenacity fueled by rejection of all fear.  One could also just phrase it as "Saying yes to life".  

Easier said than done...  Or, is it?

I started my business in September of 2017, I have refined my processes, met some amazing people and though I'm still in the thick of it, I am learning to enjoy this ride. 

As in the practice of meditation, I have to continuously bring my mind back to the present moment.  What am I doing now?  A fear would creep in, back to the task.  Back to the present.

Life has definitely gotten in the way, I have taken many detours and have had daily distractions and hurdles.  But once I made up my mind, made that choice, set my sights with determination, even when it gets hard to believe, someone brings my attention back.  

I have the best support system full of people who believe in me, even on days that leave me feeling so unfocused and not sure what it is I am doing.  

Saying yes to life is saying yes to yourself.  Our time on Earth is limited.  I don't want to wake up one day and regret that I didn't show up for myself.  I want to enjoy my life, sharing the benefits of art with myself and those around me.  

Train yourself to see, create and take opportunities.  If someone has attained this success you desire, know that they are human just as you are.  Face that fear and ask "Why NOT me, too?"

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